made easy.

Be Mindful with Ate

Discover Balance with Ate

Embark on a journey where wellness isn’t about hard rules, but about understanding and harmonizing with your body and mind. Ate is your personalized guide to crafting a sustainable, balanced lifestyle.
And it's so easy to use. Photo journal lets you track food in 3 taps. AI insights and mindful questions will guide you from there. Try Ate now.

1. Swipe right
App screenshot
2. Snap a photo
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3. See your progress
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People love it!

“Can’t thank you enough for this epic app! In just a few days I have more awareness toward what, and why, I’m eating... It’s totally changed my relationship with meals. Thank you so much!”Angela

“I’m trying to practice mindful eating habits, so I was looking for an app I could use to track not just what and when I eat, but also how I’m feeling when/after I eat. This app is AMAZING. It’s so customizable that I can track everything I need (and some things I hadn’t even thought of). Ate is everything I imagined and more! ”Aidan

“I absolutely love Ate! I love Ate for how customizable it is and how NOT focused on macros or calories it is. I truly use it as a log for a personal goal - eating an 80/20 balanced diet - and it’s so helpful. Highly recommend it if you’re looking for a more intuitive eating approach than most dieting apps! Can't recommend it enough!”Caitlin

“I’ve used the Ate app every single day for the past 2+ years and I absolutely love it! ”kmw277

“Ate makes it so easy for me to see and document my moods for food choices. I’m an emotional binge eater and this helps me make better choices daily. Love it!”viesha

“I’m loving Ate so far! It’s so positive and realistic as I want long-term positive change with my weight & body relationship. Making notes about how my day has gone has allowed me to be accountable to myself especially when I go off path. Ate has truly made a difference in my life and I plan on using it indefinitely!”Nettie

“I love this app so much. It allows me to track my food quickly, with no judgment and truly reflect to make a difference in my eating. I also love that I can follow friends — it’s so helpful to see what we’re all doing. The best part is the ease of use and the simplicity of logging.”Nooops

“Tracking calories is burdensome and restrictive. Our food choices should come internally, not from external restrictions. But we’re busy getting in touch with hunger cues and understanding why we eat is so crucial, but hard without accountability (another key feature of Ate!). It’s so easy to use! I upgraded to premium to track my workouts, moods, and liquids. It’s not much/month. Totally worth it!!!”AMMAamma

“This app changed everything for me! I’ve lost 9 pounds so far, am absolutely not on a diet, do not feel deprived, and have never eaten better! Having to take a picture of everything I eat greatly encourages me to choose colorful, healthy options, pay more attention to portion sizes, and to think twice about whether I really want to eat something. I love this app!”PH

“I just wanted to let you know that since I started using your app I have lost 30lbs. I have tried MANY different things to lose weight (counting calories, macros, different diets) but I have found that this is the only thing that has helped me. So I wanted to thank you very much!”Christina

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Ate for Coaches

Are you a health professional working with clients?
See "why" your clients ate!

Learn more about ate for coaches

“Loving this app! I've been looking for something simple for my clients to help keep them on track without the burden of measuring and weighing and counting!” Colleen, RD

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About us

Ate is built to support a mindful approach to a healthy lifestyle. A balanced lifestyle is far beyond counting calories and restrictions when it comes to overall health. Self-reflection, building healthy habits, and listening to our bodies brings about long-term change. Ate is a sustainable and lifetime practice focused on physical, mental, and emotional health.

team photo

Tom, co-Founder and CEO
@kptamas on Twitter and other platforms

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We love to talk to people who share our values and vision. We are users of our product just like you and strongly believe that with the help of this awesome community, we can make it better for all of us. So drop us an email and let's connect.

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