One Plate Per Meal

How full are you after your first plate of food? Do you really need seconds or thirds of a meal?

Pasta on a white plate being served

Are you struggling to maintain portion control and avoid overeating during meals?

Discover the key to mindful eating and balanced nutrition with the simple yet effective strategy of the one-plate rule. By incorporating complex carbs, proteins, and fats onto a single serving, you can optimize your meals for satisfaction and health, while effortlessly stopping at just the right level of fullness.

But what about that extra serving?

Sometimes when you eat too fast you are not aware that you might actually be starting to get full. By adhering to one plate per meal, you are more likely than not already at the 80% full mark — just the right amount of fullness that you want to strive for.

slice of pizza on a plate

How to make the most of One Plate per Meal Experiment

hamburger and fires on a plate

How does One Plate per Meal Experiment also help?

Eating a little less will not happen automatically, and by no means is it about restriction. It’s about being able to tune in and understand how much food you really need to be full without overstuffing yourself.

Start to understand your hunger cues, and your eating habits and patterns. You’ll be surprised why you eat, what you eat, and when you eat it! These will help you build a better foundation for your following meals.

Last Updated: May 3, 2024

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