New Year's 'Resolve-Alution'

Tiles writing out Happy New Year. Unsplash - Sincerely Media

A fresh start to a New Year often comes with New Year’s resolutions. We are determined to make change, but those determinations and goals often quickly fade. Instead of a New Year’s resolution consider a New Year’s “Resolve-alution!” Instead of trying to commit to doing something, why not explore and find a solution to why you haven’t been doing it in the first place!

It is time to do this Resolution thing differently. It is time to go through the back door and make the long-lasting changes that only come from deep exploration, and an honest change to a lifestyle that is no longer serving you. It is not the easy door to open, but it is the one that will offer great insights, ‘aha’ moments, growth, and lasting resolve that will make a New Year’s resolution last for years to come.

There are important questions that are necessary to explore in order to make lasting change. Most people when making New Year’s resolutions fail to succeed because they are not making the significant lifestyle changes that are necessary. It is essential to look at the underlying reasons why we do or don’t do the things we are seeking to change and then do the hard work to change them.

Coffee next to a laptop

For example, if your resolution is to cut out coffee, alcohol, or sugar have you ever asked yourself why you are drinking coffee, alcohol, or eating sugar in the first place?

Consider these follow up questions:

If your resolution is to start exercising, have you ever asked yourself why you haven’t been doing it in the first place?

Woman running outside on a trail.

Here are some considerations:

Most importantly, you have to ensure your resolutions are truly in alignment with what you would love to do versus what you feel you should do, have to do, or need to do. When we act from a place of “I’d love to do this”, “I choose to do this” and ``I would like to do this”, we are inspired, dedicated, focused, driven, and inwardly motivated. On the contrary, when we do things because we feel we have to or others are telling us we should, we often fail because they are not truly what we desire. When acting from that place we tend to procrastinate, make excuses, “start again on Monday,” need outward motivation, pay others to help us and eventually give up. This is so often what happens with New Year’s resolutions. What we intend to do is not truly in alignment with what we would love to do.

So this year really ask yourself, “what would I love to do differently to help me fulfill what is most important to me in my life?” Look at all the benefits of doing that and all the drawbacks if you didn’t, and use that as the driving force to make the changes you desire for yourself.

If you would like to explore any of the above questions and need guidance to make resolve-alutions, I am happy to help!

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a fulfilling 2022.

Yours in health & vitality,


Amy Bondar is a leading Nutrition expert and Certified Eating Psychology Coach who is passionate about helping her clients achieve maximum health and vitality through personalized nutrition and lifestyle coaching.

Amy Bondar’s comprehensive skill-set, two decades of experience and compassionate approach have allowed hundreds of people to achieve the vitality we all desire, and deserve.

The days of generic meal plans, fad diets, yo-yo dieting and simple advice about calories and carbs are long gone. When you work with Amy you will have strategies and learn nutrition principles that are nourishing, doable, sustainable, personalized and that yield results.

Preparing dashboard.