Coach Spotlight: Lilly
Highlighting coaches that use Ate to partner with their clients seeking to achieve their well-being goals.

A short interview with Lilly Scott to get to know her for the Ate Coach Spotlight series.
WHY do you do what you do?
LS: I always wanted to help people somehow. Before starting my own business and teaching fitness full-time, I was a lawyer-lobbyist here in Washington, DC. After work, I would teach classes at CorePower and Equinox. Even though teaching was also a “job” it was so much fun and always the highlight of my week. I knew in my heart that teaching fitness was my passion. I knew that I could change people’s lives by improving their mental state, so when the pandemic hit, I took a chance and started my own virtual fitness business. I wake up every single day with ONE mission: to help people fall in love with their bodies. Loving your body goes beyond simply loving the way it looks; it’s also about loving your power, strength, and resilience. It is important to remember that we all are so much more than what we look like.
What are 5 things people don’t know about you?
LS: This is tough because I am a pretty open book with my followers (@Lillyscott) and students.
1. Even though I am super outgoing, I need a lot of alone time with my dogs to recharge.
2. I like to take the branded pens from restaurants and hotels as souvenirs
3. At home I sing all the time and pretend I am giving full-on concerts while I’m in the shower
4. I love writing poems and sometimes think in rhymes
5. I am infamously bad at learning new languages. I took Spanish 1 in middle school, high school, and college!!
What is your favorite food?
LS: Yeah, like it is possible to have one favorite? I call my favorite foods my “Scooby Snack foods,” like the ones you would literally do anything for. So, my “Scooby Snack foods” are popcorn, homemade spaghetti with marinara, sushi, and my mom’s apple crisp.
What is your least favorite food?
LS: Kiwi!!!
What is your top health tip or healthy habit that you have mastered OR that you’re working on?
LS: A healthy habit that I’ve mastered is consistently exercising. For a long time in my life, I would get on big fitness kicks, but when I would face other issues or challenges in life, I would stop working out altogether. Other healthy habits that I am proud of are showing up for my fitness classes, going on walks, or dancing around in my condo when I am upset. Some healthy tips I have are: when you are thirsty, drink water; when you are hungry, eat food. I’ve now created the habit that when I am stressed, overthinking, worried, or overwhelmed, I move. Exercise takes care of my hard mental health days.
Lilly Scott is the founder and creator of Electric Collective Fitness, a modern fitness community that focuses on mental health and body acceptance through the lens of fitness.
You only have a tiny slice of your day to spend on yourself. The Electric Collective program will teach you to love yourself and feel powerful. You’ll be so addicted to the way working out makes you feel, the physical results will become secondary and what was once a forced habit of exercise will become the one constant source of joy you can count on throughout your week. The cool part is, as your body transforms you will start to realize that you are so much more than what you look like! THAT is how you create true, healthy, powerful confidence.